Post-editing includes the revision of machine-generated translation by a professional linguist familiar with the peculiarities of different engines.

Successful post-editing starts with defined expectations. Based on your needs and requirements to the quality of the final text, one of the two post-editing options way suit you better.

  • With light post-editing, the linguist works only with the meaning, grammar and terminology, and does not edit the text stylistically. This means that the final translation will convey the source material accurately and correctly, but it will sound unpolished—end users will likely notice that it is machine translated.
  • Full post-editing is advised when the resulting text should be undistinguishable from human translation.

 AUM is one of the pioneers of patents post-editing in Russia. Since introducing this service in 2017, we have assembled a team of expert post-editors and revised more than 6 million words.

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